2021-07-17: Medal times, ranks/progression, freeplay, volume clouds, tons of menu/mechanical improvements.


Short version: medal times, ranking up, and progression have been added with many menu and control improvements as well as freeplay, volumetric clouds and random weather/time of day! Jump in to check out an host of improvements!


***IF you have played previously AND IF you made more than one user, be sure you are logged in to your main account (that has most of the best record times) before you download and launch the new game, because of how it will update the record system.
If you haven't played before or never made multiple users feel free to ignore.


Long version:

Ranks, Medal Times, and Progression
- Each course now has medal times for non-challenge runs, medals will be called out upon finishing a race
- Earning medals on all courses of a difficulty will allow you to rank up and play the next difficulty
- Records from current race are highlit when finished
- Tons of new announcements added throughout the game
- Individual user records can be seen if there are multiple users on one machine

VOLUMETRIC CLOUDS, Heavenly Bodies, Day/Night Cycle, and Random Humidity/Clouds
- Terrestrial maps now have random time of day and cloud coverage (competitive modes will soon return to static lighting by default)
- Freeplay restart rolls weather
- apologies for now if you are trying to race and get a poorly lit setting, request again from play menu (restart won't work)
- if you are having issues, clouds have performance settings in video settings. these can also be cranked up

Basic Controls
- More traction, turning power, and control
- Powersliding has been tuned (this will be taught in the shortly upcoming advanced tutorial, see keybindings for now to find button)
- Respawn button added (respawn at any time in a race (or freeplay)—no need to crash yourself)
- Left trigger is default for braking, and brake will lead to reverse if held

New Freeplay Mode with its own respawning method (check this out, it's a lot more fun to play freely with this respawn method)
Added random variation to marble on various blocks of structures

Improved Collisions
- Crash propensity is much more predictable with the addition of a shield
- Angular forces after a collision are more reasonable and less janky
- Blacking out has been changed to an option (default: off)
- Tunnelling (clipping/phasing) through geometry at extremely high speeds should now be impossible

Play Menu
- Levels available at selected difficulty are visualized along with which medals have been earned
- Ring size is visualized per difficulty

- Picture shows what control mode you are editing (kb+mouse or gamepad)
- Keybindings overhaul: overall simplification and bindings are now unified (no dichotomy between 'action bindings' and 'axis bindings')
- Many general simplifications, clarifications
- Various improvements to certain menu elements' readability/functionality

Main Known Issues
- Shield bar overlaps with next ring arrow. this will be ammended promptly. sorry for the annoyance for now.
- Freeplay respawn can possibly respawn you below the landscape in certain circumstances
- Defaulting out game settings will unsync the settings pane with the selector bar temporarily
- Mouse is overeagerly set to different positions when traveling between levels or back to main menu

Coming Soon
- Sound and feedback improvements
- Camera improvements
- Static lighting by default on competitive modes
- Tweaking variables and ranges for dynamic sky to improve visibility in all circumstances
- Advanced Tutorial
- Unlocking chariots as you rank up (the demo chariots by default start as unlocked)
- Mechanical/control improvements
- Accessibility improvements (with target and HUD element visibility)

Stay tuned, the next few updates will be much more common than the previous delay....


Windows 64 bit 2.5 GB
Version 6 Jul 17, 2021

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